Intro: oohs & aahs (recommended)Riddim: one love feelings (mandatory)Chorus: hands in the air (if desired)Intro: oohs & aahs (recommended)Riddim: one love feelings (mandatory)Chorus: hands in the air (if desired)Intro: oohs & aahs (recommended)Riddim: one love feelings (mandatory)Chorus: hands in the air (if desired)Intro: oohs & aahs (recommended)Riddim: one love feelings (mandatory)Chorus: hands in the air (if desired)
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Illuminate me, flood the room with blazing brilliance not shadowy gloom
Why live as if the World's a tomb
Don't touch that switch now, I need the light
There's plenty of dark outside tonight
Why choose dim when you can have bright - don't leave me in the dark
Eyes are for looking, they should see everything they can
I need reassurance so promise me you won't turn the lights down Man
You want it low, subtle and romantic
I I like a glow, a real bright light stick
Don't turn the lights down anymore
I'll just turn them up again and that's such a bore
Don't leave me in the dark, don't leave me in the dark
On the internet no-one can hear you applaud but wikiloops comes close.
It might be "just" home recording, but let's not let go of showing some appreciation for our musicians' creativity.
After all, that's what makes the loops go 'round…
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Jazz backing tracks with Drums, Bass, Keys, Vocals and Guitar: