Floating Notes feat Yamaha Silent
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Adding some notes in this excellent track of Haberscark and Mario. A pleasure to play on it.
5 years ago
5 years ago
Hi Harmut! SLG-100 S with steel strings. Really of this guitar, the most important thing is the previous one, I think
5 years ago
5 years ago
Wow! what a good "floating" guitar sound keeps that aerial idea of sounds, very good!
¡Guauu! ¡Qué buen sonido de guitarra "flotante" mantiene esa idea aérea de sonidos aereos, muy bien! +1
¡Guauu! ¡Qué buen sonido de guitarra "flotante" mantiene esa idea aérea de sonidos aereos, muy bien! +1
5 years ago
Gracias Mario, ya sabes. Un placer siempre acompañarte.
Thanks, Mario, you know. A pleasure always accompanies you. +1
Thanks, Mario, you know. A pleasure always accompanies you. +1
Shuffle backing tracks with Drums, Bass and Guitar:
Shuffle Lovers 💝
The Bloozinski Shuffle needs lead +
Northside Shuffle
SRV Shuffle
Fretless Remix of 415
Esperando al diablo
F Minor Blues Shuffle
back to my roots
Mr Blues..
Walking Nowhere
Relax Shuffle
Walkin' on bass line
Mr. Blues
ba doom ba doom ba doom
Bluesday Green Souffle Shuffle
Been Here Before
Could really use some harp or sax
Time Machine - DrumBassG1
Rumblin Through
Blue Martini-bass add
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